Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prep Work.

This starts it... My journey. I'm going to another country, to live a new life, with new friends, and a new way of doing things. So many people in my life have thought I was doing this to go and live a little adventure. A young girl from Florida leaves home ,and all she knows to travel to England!(pretty sure that was already made into and Amanda Bynes movie) Well, the fact is, if this program was right next door, I would have done it. I've been trying to further my exprience and education in ministry for close to five years now. That was when I first knew it was the path God called me to. But time and again, whatever I tried, or wherever I applied, just fell through or didn't work. The XL Academy in Widnes, UK, is an amazing program that will seemingly give me all I desire in my jumpstart into ministry. I'm trusting God 100% to get me there, and teach me well! Its been a whirlwind five months since being accepted, and now getting ready to go, but even though I'm stressed to the max, and concerned I may not take the cold all that well, I'm ready. I'm done making lists, questioning what to bring, or where to go. I'm done with the prep work. I'm ready. Ready to go and do what God has so amazingly set up for me to do. Here's to diving in- head first!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be right here and keeping in touch! SO excited for all God has in store for you! You are amazing and it is a joy to be along on this journey with you!
