This is such an overused Christian term, or a "little christian in training". Silly skills like stacking chairs, and manning the lamest booth at the alternaive haloween festival for your church build your Christ like character...apparently. I on the other hand, while having done my fair share of all that, have decided to read the gospel of John like it was a training manuel. Why John? Most say it's the "devotional" gospel, since John was so close to Jesus, and because of this, I feel like you see more of Him. How He reacted, what He was up to, just fluff. In doing this, I have begun the arduous task of changing my thought pattern. I speak sarcasm fluently, and it sometimes gets me in trouble. It is very hard just turning off that switch. So here I am, in a chaotic circumstance, living with eight other people in a house, and trying to be more christ-like. I know what you're thinking, and no, I am not crazy. I am however, determined! So far, it's been a long, and slow journey. More often than not I find I am rebuking myself afterward, but hey I think I am firmly planted in Step 1..all I need to do is graduate onto Step 2, Acting out a bit of Jesus. We shall see....
Today was lots of fun, we went into a primary school for the first time, and performed our drama to the kids. It was hilarious, and I pray successful for His kingdom! Scrooge Practice has overtaken our entire week, and we will be performing next Friday evening... Once the set is done, and all the costumes are on I suspect it will be one of the hightlights of the semester! Until then, I'll just dance in my jeans and slip around the stage in my socks! :)
I need prayer for Africa. I cant wait to get there, and I know I will get there, but I need to make sure I can handel it finacially, plus check on visas etc... I pray it works out! I think that trip may reveal to me a bit more on God's calling to missions in my life. I cant beleive I 've oly been here a litle over 2 months now. Life is so different. My goals, and focus are completely changed. Which is a very good thing, otherwise I would consider this whole thing a waste. God still has another 7 months in this place to show me all He can, and I'm ready to see it!
Building way.